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Great camping or hiking

In the age of light disposable plastic bottles, why would anyone consider using an aluminum or stainless steel canteen? The anwer is simple; imagine you are in the middle of the nowhere and you just refilled your canteen in the creek. Are you 100% sure that the source of water is free of bacteria? No, you are not. In this case, you can boil your water, withour carrying extra pots. And if you don't mind drinking from the creek; think about it, you can have a cup of hot tea in the middle of nowhere or perhaps you have a pocket of instant soup with you.

So this is you answer; you cannot have all of this if you are using plastic bottles which by the way will take up the same space in your backpack.
Plastic cracks and breaks easily.

metal water bottles canteen with cup military canteen

Aluminum Canteen with Cup,
Carry Pouch and Belt


1 Liter canteen
Cup fits under canteen to save space

Aluminum GI canteen with mug


Aluminum canteen holds 1.3L of fluid and is encased by canvass pouch

Aluminum Mess Tin Set


Actually a 3 piece set with handles for carrying in case food is hot

  Stainless Steel Military Mess  

Stainless Steel Egg Shaped
Military Mess Kit


2 Pcs, Folds, with hook

